
how much does it cost to create an nft

Non-fungible tokens have recently become quite popular, and they’re even used as investments. However, the costs associated with issuing an NFT can be quite high due to the technology being still in development. But there are ways you can use these new technologies to bring down the cost of trading them or of issuing your own token. Image source: In this article, we’ll discover how much it costs to create an NFT and what other alternatives exist on how your business could save some money by using tokens instead of traditional methods like raising equity in a company via stock purchase or bonds. Many blockchain projects have envisioned a world where each asset of value is represented by an NFT token on the blockchain. Image source: We believe that this future has come a bit closer with the recent release of Ethereum's ERC721 standard, which paved the way for new tokens like Augur's REP tokens, as well as more work being done in these areas. If you are lo